Who We Are
EduClubs is a business that cares: about education, about our students, about their parents and about our environment.
We are helping students level up in maths and non-verbal reasoning through our online courses, while saving parents money, time and stress. Plus we're doing our bit for the environment by planting one tree for every club subscription.
We believe the “old way” of tutoring can be enhanced! We understand the problems and needs of parents and students in education and have designed the “EduClubs Way” to eliminate factors that limit passes and cause stress. This means, we don't want parents and students to pay high fees for good quality education. We don't want students to rely on group tutoring, poor and out dated feedback on progress, or inappropriate resources, or unable to access guided help when needed.
To help address these issues, the EduClubs online education platform provides affordable access to expertly designed resources, qualified tutors, 24/7 personalised online service, tutorial videos that simulate 1 to 1 real time tutoring, along with real time feedback and guided next steps.
Our Company
Our Mission
Help students become AWESOME at maths, quickly and affordably.
Our purpose is to provide affordable world class education for everyone! We want to help students outperform. We aim to provide everything a student needs to achieve excellent results in their subject, by delivering an education that evolves around the student.
Our guiding principles are set in what we call "The EduClubs Way".
Our Values
Learn, Thrive and Empower.
Learn. Build confidence and fluency in literacy, numeracy and other skills that allow people to flourish.
Thrive. Help our students realise their strengths and potential through education, by building strong foundations from which to grow and prosper.
Empower our future generations to solve meaningful problems, do remarkable things and make a positive impact in this world.
Our Vision
Unlocking Potential.
We are helping students build strong education foundations, unlocking their potential and enabling them to thrive and make a positive impact in the world.
We believe education is key to success.
Our Sustainability Strategy
Planting One Tree for Every Club Subscription.
We will commit to delivering a carbon negative and climate positive education platform, by working with our strategic partners from around the world, to help shape a brighter and sustainable future.
Sustainability is essential to creating a better tomorrow. Our rainforests are shrinking, damaging the environment and contributing to global warming on an alarming scale. EduClubs is creating a bridge between meeting our education needs and the environment by committing to planting one tree for every club subscription.
You can find out more about the EduClubs Sustainability Strategy in our FAQ section.