Frequently Asked Questions
EduClubs® is a business that cares: about our students, about their parents, about our tutors, about education and about our environment. We simply want to create a platform that provides everything a student needs to learn new skills, pass exams and succeed, as efficiently as possible.
To learn more about EduClubs®, please visit our About Us page.
The name EduClubs, is a merger of Education + Clubs.
Ultimately, the EduClubs model creates education clubs that help students become awesome in a certain subject.
The EduClubs Way is a set of our guiding principles used to design our education strategy.
1. Our purpose is to provide an education that evolves around the student. It is the child or student that is the central focus and EduClubs® provides a full education service that evolves around them.
2. We aim to unlock the student’s potential to achieve exam passes with outstanding results.
3. Sustainability will be at the heart of what we do – we want to help shape a brighter future for everyone. We support the UN Goals for Sustainable Development which we believe provides a framework for contribution that is worthy of the challenges and opportunities we face as a generation. We will commit to delivering an education platform, by working with our strategic partners from around the world, allowing us to provide access to good quality education and resources enabling everyone to unlock their potential and shape a brighter future.
4. All resources will be world class with high standards (including assessments, books, content, video tutorials and online platform). Experts and professionals in their respective fields comprehensively develop the resources.
5. The challenges of remote learning made us appreciate as parents and educators how critical the human touch matters to make learning more personal and meaningful. For this reason, video lesson are available, providing explanation of the concepts, to simulate 1 – 1 real life tutoring experiences and provide understanding of the subject matter.
6. Accessible, personalised and flexible learning suitable for any one, at any level, any time. It is automated and available 24/7.
7. Real time diagnostics and immediate feedback to monitor progress. This allows the parents and students to understand where they are, how they are progressing, what the problem areas are and suggested next steps to progress.
8. Encourage the student’s independent learning with limited or no parental help required. Simply follow the system, attempt the questions, receive immediate feedback, watch the guidance tutorial videos in problem areas and proceed.
9. We are here to educate! Some parents and students want the option for 1:1 live tutoring and this is available upon request, if required.
10. The charging structure has to be affordable and cost effective.
We believe the traditional tutor model or the “old way” of tutoring needs enhancements! We understand the problems and needs of parents and students in education and have designed the “EduClubs Way” to eliminate factors that limit passes and cause stress. This means, we don't want parents and students to pay high fees for good quality education. We don't want students to rely on group tutoring, poor and out dated feedback on progress, or inappropriate resources, or unable to access guided help when needed.
To help solve these problems, the EduClubs® online education platform provides affordable access to expertly designed resources, qualified tutors, 24/7 personalised online service, tutorial videos that simulate 1 to 1 real time tutoring, along with real time feedback and guided next steps.
The picture below illustrates the simplicity of the EduClubs way compared to the tradition model.
Our Clubs are priced to make high quality education accessible to as many people as possible. When you compare EduClubs subscription to other tuition services or private tutoring, we promise we provide a lot more at a fraction of the price!
For example, our monthly Club subscriptions start as low as £24.99 per month and is accessible 24/7, provides all the relevant resources online, immediate feedback and guided video tutorials that simulate real life 1-1 learning. This is a fraction of the cost of hiring a private tutor, who can charge upwards of £20 per hour (or at least £100 per month), with limited immediate feedback, and are inaccessible out of lesson.
Currently we offer
• Maths Club
• Non Verbal Reasoning Club
We have also created separate clubs by topic as some students need help in certain topics. We are always looking to add value to students learning journey and will look to expand our Club offerings into other subjects and skills development.
Our education Clubs focus on what to learn and how to learn in a well-structured, well-paced and logical manner. The lessons are short, practical and easy to work through daily. Students can use the recommended topics and lesson plan to help with pacing, or they can adjust the pace as required. The lessons start from a basic level and build in complexity in a manageable and logical approach. Students complete the lessons and questions online and receive immediate feedback. Guided online videos of each lesson are available explaining the core concepts to help address problem areas and enable students to progress through the subjects. This provides a more personal learning experience that simulate 1-1 real life tutoring and is available 24/7.
Upon subscription, students will receive access to the subscribed Clubs which will consist of:
- Core topics
- Recommended lesson plans
- Detailed pdf lessons and questions to test the student (can be downloaded to work offline)
- Immediate feedback on how students are progressing
- Online tutorial video lessons to guide on problem areas
- All available 24/7
Sustainability is important to us and we are committing to planting one tree for every club subscription. Our overall strategy is to support the UN Goals for Sustainable Development which we believe provides a framework for contribution that is worthy of the challenges and opportunities we face as a generation.
We will commit to delivering an affordable education platform, by working with our strategic partners from around the world, allowing us to provide access to good quality education and resources enabling everyone to unlock their potential and shape a brighter future.
Watch the video below to find out more about the UN Goals for Sustainable Development.
No, we are not affiliated with and do not have any relationship with any exam boards.
We have set EduClubs to support learning of common content between the different exam boards for any given subject, rather than a specific exam board.
Yes, upon request! The EduClubs online platform provides everything to support the student’s learning, but some parents and students want additional tutor support and this is available on request. Our tutor support provides you with an alternative way of understanding topics, and can help out with any extra questions students have!
Yes! The EduClubs online platform will work for everyone. It doesn’t matter what your background or starting point is, EduClubs can help you prepare and succeed.
Yes! Students can subscribe and study using as many Clubs as they wish. Doing so may provide a big advantage when it comes to exam preparation, as understanding of all core subjects will help students perform better.
Yes – the parent and child accounts are automatically linked! Parents need to sign up first and then subscribe to relevant Clubs for their children.
The parent account allows the parent to monitor child progress in each subscribed Club, change/update subscriptions, and book tutors if required.
The child account is where the student does the learning and can monitor their own progress.
We recognise the challenge on parents’ time and skills and have designed EduClubs so students can learn independently with limited parental support.
However, we encourage parents to be part of the student’s learning journey. This could be by supporting children to make regular time to study and work through the online lessons, providing a distraction free place to study, as well as monitor the students’ progress as they work through the Clubs.
We understand the issues associated with increased screen time from online learning. These may include tiredness, dry eyes, and aches in our bodies, all of which are not beneficial to our physical and mental wellbeing.
EduClubs has designed the Clubs resources to help manage the amount of screen time as follows:
- When a student logs on to their education Club and starts a specific lesson, we encourage parents and students to download and print the lesson to work through on paper. Working on paper gives the eyes a rest from the screen. In addition, research from neuropsychologists recommends writing and solving problems on paper to improve learning. The process of writing requires the brain to convert what the student reads, hears or thinks into physical actions, which improves learning.
- Once the student has completed the lesson on paper, they then need to enter their answers online, in the answer spaces in the online lesson. EduClubs then provide immediate feedback to the student, along with guided video tutorials to watch if there are problem areas.
EduClubs believe this balance of paper and online learning allows students to enjoy more of the benefits, while reducing the disadvantages from online learning.
EduClubs will run on most internet-connected devices, but works best on a PC or laptop.
The 11+ Exam is an entrance test for students looking for admission into Grammar and Independent Schools in the United Kingdom. The tests may differ between schools but generally cover the following core topics:
• English - Vocabulary, Cloze, Shuffled sentences, Comprehension, Spelling, Punctuation and Grammar, Writing and compositions
• Verbal reasoning –skills based on language
• Non-verbal reasoning –skills based on codes, shapes and patterns
• Maths – short maths and long maths
Very competitive. The number of places at the Grammar Schools and Independent Schools are limited and competition is extremely high.
Students need to prepare in all core topics listed above in order to increase their chances of passing the exams and achieving high scores. This can be via books, online resources, tutoring and parental help. EduClubs can help with the preparation.
During the exam, the key is not to panic and focus on high speed and high accuracy for problem solving.
Pass marks vary every year. They also differ between Local Education Authority (LEA) and Grammar/Independent Schools.
Some LEAs have two scores - a qualifying score and a priority score.
• The qualifying score will be the score needed to pass the 11+ Exams. If a student does not achieve the qualifying score or above they will not be considered for a place in the Grammar school or Independent school. Achieving the qualifying score does not guarantee a place either.
• Students who achieve the priority score (which is higher than the qualifying score) and live within a catchment area will be given priority, once other entrance criteria have been met, which includes having an older sibling at the school or distance from the school.
In general, the higher the score, the greater the chance of admission, as applicants will be ranked by test score.
It is likely that students will get some form of standardised score. This means that the score is adjusted to treat students fairly. The adjustment takes into account certain factors such as the student’s age and the level of difficulty of the test.
Absolutely! Whilst EduClubs® is ideal for UK’s 11 plus grammar school entrance exam preparation (for ages 8 - 11), it can help set strong maths and english foundations for early year’s secondary school (for ages 12+) and can be used for home schooling.
In fact, anyone wishing to improve numeracy and maths skills can benefit from EduClubs.